Wednesday, May 7, 2008

If you don’t believe in Miracles, consider this. On Wednesday, May 7, the Animal Defense League rescued 21 dogs from the San Antonio city pound, something ADL has been doing weekly since October 2007.

When the ACS truck arrived, Kris, a new ADL vet tech, went out to meet it to help bring dogs into the clinic for processing. As she walked up to the truck she burst into tears. Her colleagues wondered what was happening. And then she shouted, “Tipper. Tipper. I can’t believe it’s you.”
Turns out Tipper is her best friend, Jennifer’s dog. She’d gotten loose five days ago and had been picked up by ACS.

“She was scheduled to be killed on Tuesday, May 6,” an ACS workers told Chris. “But she was so cute we just had to save her.” The ACS worker tagged Tipper as one of the dogs to be delivered to ADL. And the rest is history.

Within minutes of Tipper arriving at ADL, Kris called her friend. And she and Tipper were reunited.

Kris had just started working at ADL on Monday, May 5. Had she not been there to recognize Tipper, the dog would have been put up for adoption. Saved for sure. But not reunited with her human.

True story. Miracle story.
(c) Ron Aaron. 2008


jean said...

I did not know ADL was rescuing animals from the city pound on a weekly basis. I think that is wonderful. God bless all of you at ADL.

Robin said...

Here's a story for ya--

Two weeks ago "Lucky", a young shephard mix was hit by a car and lost most of his right front leg. The people that were feeding him never once thought to take him to the vet. Why? "Well, he was eating good and still getting around."

Lucky was rescued and when the rehabber brought him out I was devastated--he had lost most of his front leg nearly to his elbow and, get this, fully 10" of the bones (radius and ulna) below his elbow were broken and bare to the elements; the rest of his arm to his shoulder was so swollen with infection that the skin had split open. You could see every muscle, tendon, and blood vessel,

He had surgery today to remove his leg to his shoulder.

Through it all his mild manner and sweet disposition endeared him to everyone. While his past was still fresh in his eyes, he is a forgiving sort and I know he will make someone a wonderful friend.

People are so cruel.